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If party labels tell the story, Chief Justice Mark Martin could end up on the losing end of a lot of N.C. Supreme Court decisions this year.
If party labels tell the story, Chief Justice Mark Martin could end up on the losing end of a lot of N.C. Supreme Court decisions this year.
December 15 marks a very special day in our founding history - On that date in 1791, the first 14 states (Vermont had just been admitted to the Union as the 14th state), ratified the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution, known collectively as our Bill of Rights.
December 15 marks a very special day in our founding history - On that date in 1791, the first 14 states (Vermont had just been admitted to the Union as the 14th state), ratified the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution, known collectively as our Bill of Rights.
Government programs such as welfare and other social means-tested programs characterize very well the government's general policy towards poverty: Make individuals "comfortable" in their poverty rather than incentivize them to become self-sufficient.
Government programs such as welfare and other social means-tested programs characterize very well the government's general policy towards poverty: Make individuals "comfortable" in their poverty rather than incentivize them to become self-sufficient.
The United States is a constitutional republic. It is not a democracy, as most people believe.
The federal courts have become political, rather apolitical, which is what they were intended to be.
The federal courts have become political, rather apolitical, which is what they were intended to be.
In 1791, Thomas Jefferson wrote an opinion on the constitutionality of a National Bank. It is an important commentary on the meaning and intent of the US Constitution, in particular the two general clauses - the General Welfare Clause and the Necessary and Proper Clause.
In 1791, Thomas Jefferson wrote an opinion on the constitutionality of a National Bank. It is an important commentary on the meaning and intent of the US Constitution, in particular the two general clauses - the General Welfare Clause and the Necessary and Proper Clause.
On September 17, 1787, the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia concluded. 39 of the 55 delegates to the Convention signed the final product, including its primary author, James Madison, and its eldest member, Benjamin Franklin.
On September 17, 1787, the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia concluded. 39 of the 55 delegates to the Convention signed the final product, including its primary author, James Madison, and its eldest member, Benjamin Franklin.
As I watched the antics of the hooded "Antifa" mobs at Berkeley and other large universities last year, I thought that I'd missed something in my many years as a college professor.
As I watched the antics of the hooded "Antifa" mobs at Berkeley and other large universities last year, I thought that I'd missed something in my many years as a college professor.
This article discusses the English roots of our American liberty.
In Honor of the 230th Anniversary of the US Constitution, and also to help promote Brion McClanahan's latest book, HOW ALEXANDER HAMILTON SCREWED UP AMERICA, I wanted to post this important History Lesson.
In Honor of the 230th Anniversary of the US Constitution, and also to help promote Brion McClanahan's latest book, HOW ALEXANDER HAMILTON SCREWED UP AMERICA, I wanted to post this important History Lesson.
Many of the comments in this series are nothing more than random thoughts on various issues that I have still to clarify in my mind. I usually use the written form to set out my thoughts and then try to debunk or reinforce my beliefs (biases) with some research.
Many of the comments in this series are nothing more than random thoughts on various issues that I have still to clarify in my mind. I usually use the written form to set out my thoughts and then try to debunk or reinforce my beliefs (biases) with some research.
hey also know that, for the last 100 years, the federal government has violated the Constitution by usurping thousands of powers not delegated.
hey also know that, for the last 100 years, the federal government has violated the Constitution by usurping thousands of powers not delegated.
Patrick Henry to the Virginia Convention to Ratify the US Constitution, in June 1788: "The great object is that every man be armed."
We will offer this allotment of three with more to come; some old, most new, but all quite informative, and, moreover, necessary to understanding that in North Carolina, there is a wiser path to govern ourselves and our People.
We will offer this allotment of three with more to come; some old, most new, but all quite informative, and, moreover, necessary to understanding that in North Carolina, there is a wiser path to govern ourselves and our People.
It's such an integral part of the Constitution, adopted during the earliest years of government under that document, that few people ponder the prospect of a constitution without a Bill of Rights
It's such an integral part of the Constitution, adopted during the earliest years of government under that document, that few people ponder the prospect of a constitution without a Bill of Rights
We will offer this allotment of three with more to come; some old, most new, but all quite informative, and, moreover, necessary to understanding that in North Carolina, there is a wiser path to govern ourselves and our People.
We will offer this allotment of three with more to come; some old, most new, but all quite informative, and, moreover, necessary to understanding that in North Carolina, there is a wiser path to govern ourselves and our People.
When the framers met in Philadelphia in the blazing summer of 1787, fierce debate ensued.
The United States has grown far too large to still be considered a "republican form of government" as guaranteed under Article IV. The question is this: How do we get this form of self-government back?
The United States has grown far too large to still be considered a "republican form of government" as guaranteed under Article IV. The question is this: How do we get this form of self-government back?
Hamilton College has for years had an open curriculum, allowing students the freedom to shape their education as they think best. Whether that's a good idea is debatable, but the college is about to move in the opposite direction by instituting a "diversity requirement" for all students
Hamilton College has for years had an open curriculum, allowing students the freedom to shape their education as they think best. Whether that's a good idea is debatable, but the college is about to move in the opposite direction by instituting a "diversity requirement" for all students
Diane Rufino gives a thoughtful review of the latest book from New York Times #1 best-selling author, Eric Metaxas
Diane Rufino gives a thoughtful review of the latest book from New York Times #1 best-selling author, Eric Metaxas
The humanities may not be dead, but they are certainly moribund on many college campuses. Once the crown jewels of higher education, now they are valued about as much as knockoffs at a pawn shop
The humanities may not be dead, but they are certainly moribund on many college campuses. Once the crown jewels of higher education, now they are valued about as much as knockoffs at a pawn shop
The Federal Bureau of Investigation's head honcho said he will formally report to Attorney General Loretta Lynch - and her allegedly politicized and corrupt Justice Department - that there are no grounds for prosecution in its yearlong investigation into Hillary Clinton
The Federal Bureau of Investigation's head honcho said he will formally report to Attorney General Loretta Lynch - and her allegedly politicized and corrupt Justice Department - that there are no grounds for prosecution in its yearlong investigation into Hillary Clinton
The Founding Fathers might have been unable to create the foundations of a new American nation had they operated in today's climate of federal government harassment and intrusion into citizen privacy, a constitutional lawyer says
The Founding Fathers might have been unable to create the foundations of a new American nation had they operated in today's climate of federal government harassment and intrusion into citizen privacy, a constitutional lawyer says
Our Founding Fathers remind us that that the Constitution was subordinate to the Principles and Rights enshrined in our Declaration of Independence. The Individual trumps government.
Our Founding Fathers remind us that that the Constitution was subordinate to the Principles and Rights enshrined in our Declaration of Independence. The Individual trumps government.
During the 1787-89 debates over ratifying the U.S. Constitution, for example, North Carolina's population was divided over the necessity of a new constitution and what became known as the Bill of Rights.
During the 1787-89 debates over ratifying the U.S. Constitution, for example, North Carolina's population was divided over the necessity of a new constitution and what became known as the Bill of Rights.
Diane Rufino proposes a solution to the Social Security problem, by asking Congress to legislatively define SS as a property right
Diane Rufino proposes a solution to the Social Security problem, by asking Congress to legislatively define SS as a property right
As I am sure you know, Carolina Journal is the monthly newspaper of the John Locke Foundation. Formed in 1990, the organization is named after the great English political philosopher who penned the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina in 1669 and the English Bill of Rights 20 years later.
As I am sure you know, Carolina Journal is the monthly newspaper of the John Locke Foundation. Formed in 1990, the organization is named after the great English political philosopher who penned the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina in 1669 and the English Bill of Rights 20 years later.
The John Locke Foundation recently commemorated the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta (Latin for “Great Charter”).
The John Locke Foundation recently commemorated the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta (Latin for “Great Charter”).
No one can deny that the United States has got more than its share of problems now, with a serious debate at its core... The proper role and the scope of government.
No one can deny that the United States has got more than its share of problems now, with a serious debate at its core... The proper role and the scope of government.
An amendment to replace the States' influence in the federal government since the 17th Amendment was adopted.
An amendment to replace the States' influence in the federal government since the 17th Amendment was adopted.
Tomorrow is the day we celebrate our nation's founding-and the first time that a nation was deliberately founded on reason and the rule of law instead of on accidents of history. The central question of this article is "how are the founding and related topics treated in today's academia?" It is a...
Tomorrow is the day we celebrate our nation's founding-and the first time that a nation was deliberately founded on reason and the rule of law instead of on accidents of history. The central question of this article is "how are the founding and related topics treated in today's academia?" It is a...
On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry delivered one of the most important speeches in our country's history.
On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry delivered one of the most important speeches in our country's history.
The term “Founding Fathers” of the United States includes many great and courageous and wisely forward-thinking men.
The term “Founding Fathers” of the United States includes many great and courageous and wisely forward-thinking men.
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